Friday, July 05, 2013

The end of days

Friday July 5th 2013
Such a good dog
RIP Big Biz

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Vale (Mr) Chester

Author unknown

Just this side of Heaven, before the Pearly Gates
Is a sunny meadow where your pets can rest and wait.
It's where the slanting sunshine meets the highest clouds,
A floating bridge of rainbows, so far above the ground.

This is where we wait for you, if we have gone before,
Just out of sight of mortals, just outside heaven's door;
Here we play in sunshine, frolic free from age or pain,
And anticipate the joyful time when we will meet again.

Every pet that's lived on Earth can bide his time, can wait,
For that special person to come walking to the Rainbow Gates,
And everyone who's loved a pet will find them safely here,
Frolicking on Rainbow Bridge till your own time draws near.

One day there comes a feeling, a trembling in the air,
And then we know it's time to run and come to meet you there,
Faster and faster on that day, across Rainbow Bridge we'll run,
To meet the humans we love best, come walking in the sun.

Alas my friend you cannot pass across Rainbow Bridge with me,
But when your time for glory comes, waiting for you I'll be -
Then together we will walk upon a path of glittering light,
No more to suffer, nor to part, but to live forever side by side.

Every pet that's lived on Earth can bide his time and wait
Until together with his person he goes through those Pearly Gates,
And everyone who's loved a pet, you'll find them waiting here,
Safe and sound on Rainbow Bridge till your own time draws near

Monday, December 05, 2011

Christmas Party 2011- The Big Bizz Misses Out
Lots of things about growing old aren’t so good; stiff joints, warts growing around my ears, cats and possums that get faster as the years roll on, but most of all it’s that feeling of being disregarded and left out. For instance, how could The Mother go to a Dog Park Christmas Party and not take me? It’s cruelty to dogs. Glad to see that my mates had a good time though, as did The Parents.
If you would like to see the photographs of the day follow this link (or the perma-link on the right hand side of my blog).
Big lick licks and Happy Christmas!
The Big Bizz.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Parents Hard at Work
Parents Take Back the Park
Today I’m pretty pleased with life because this morning we went back to the Dog Park.

Lots of mates and lots of parents were there.

The Parents collectively agreed "enough is enough” and, equipped with lawn mowers, whipper snippers, rakes, a trailer and a ute, quickly cleared the jungle that had taken over the park since the rains came. (Snakes that had taken refuge in the long grass were also scared away…I hope).

As well as getting the park back in shape they also created a cool-to-the-tummy sandpit from left over sand that had been used to stop flood waters causing damage at Rex the Pug’s house. It was dug in, rolled in and generally enjoyed unreservedly by Magnum, Tigger, Wagner and Luna. As for me I preferred my pink ball, the intoxicating pleasure of the fresh new smells and plenty of piddling.

The Parents with Wagner and Luna...finished at last!

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Wagner the Weimaraner and
Marco the Marvellous

“He is impossibly cute” said The Mother to The Father when we arrived home from the Dog Park. It was not me, but Wagner, the Weimerarner, she was speaking about!

I am not sure where he came from but he looks a lot like me, except he is smaller lots smaller, and his tail is very long. Did I buy him on eBay? Am  I a Daddy Dog at long last? We play together. You can see that I let him play with my best pink ball (you have to start training them early).

Marco, another new mate, also plays with my pink ball. He is still a baby, but a litttle bit older than Wagner the Weimaraner. He is a Beagle and doesn't look anything like me but The Mother thinks that he is very cute as well. You can see Wagner the Weimaraner and Marco the Marvellous below.

I am definitely the old man of the park these days.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

There was a cool, crisp note apparent in the air instead of the usual early morning humidity when The Mother and I went to my favourite park this morning.

The mango tree in the park has finished for the year. Did you know that I love mangoes? Not that I ever have a chance to really indulge in one at leisure; it is always a matter of a couple of quick chomp, chomps, and then a big gulp so that I can swallow the entire prize before The Mother steals it away.

The grass is badly in need of cutting after all the rain of recent weeks but as you can see I didn’t let that deter me from my fun, although I noticed The Mother stepping rather tentatively through the long paspalum.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Can a Dog be any Gooder than this?

This is me being really really because Sandra, who is The Mother of Face-of-an-Angel-But-Really-Very-Sneaky-Ball-Thief-Miss-Daisy-Dog, is about to give me something yummtious to eat, an ANZAC biscuit. Yes, yesterday was the morning of the Big Brekkie at the Kangaroo Point Dog Park. Lots of mates were there but some couldn’t make it like Mabel whose Father Jim isn’t very well at the moment and Truffles (akaTruffie) who crossed the rainbow bridge about 3 months ago and Scoobi-Doo who has taken to jumping fences so Simon, his Father, says that he is no longer safe at the dog park. They were all missed.

We’ve come to expect lots of delicious things to eat on these special days and we weren’t disappointed; the parents had freshly baked date and apple muffins, ANZAC biscuits, ham and cheese croissants, apple and guava juice, chocolate muffins and lots of other things that they didn’t share with us. They gave us dogs-go-wacko-for-Schmackos by the barrel.

The only real disappointment is that right in the middle of a really good game that I was enjoying with Choppa The Mother suddenly put me in the car and took me to the Dog Resort so that she and The Father could go sailing and stay out all night.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Who was that masked dog?
OK, OK, OK….sometimes I might have said a few things in the past about my mate Choppa and his choice in clothes (e.g. his mother Maree buys him doggy-dresses). And maybe you thought that I was being a bit nasty. Well, I wasn’t telling fibs. Seeeeeeee! At Harvey’s recent birthday party he cut a fine figure as……. Zoro! Actually Daisy heard that the girsl thought that he looked rather dashing. Maybe I should reconsider my views on canine sartorial elegance????

Saturday, March 01, 2008

The Drought has Broken
It’s been a while since I wrote anything, not because there hasn’t been lots happening, because there has. The truth is, and I know that you’ll be surprised to learn this, I need help to blog from The Mother and she has been away a lot, and when I say a lot, I mean a lot; most of the time in fact, in Melbourne. Lately it’s just been me and The Father. But back to what’s been happening. Belle and her sort-of sister Jezz, and of course their father Paul, all moved to Sydney. All the dogs and all the parents were and are very sad about this. Choppa is still having trouble with his dickie knee and his mother, Maree, has been sick as well. Mr Chester has had knee trouble too. We speak across the back fence so we still see each other. All in all there aren’t as many doggies at the park each day. Of course Truffie is still there; she is Queen of the Park. She is having a birthday soon; her 18th. Daisy visits on Wednesdays and Scoobie is usually there. So is Max. He is little but a bit scary. He tries to bite my ankles.
This photograph of me was taken in the park in the rain by Charito who was visiting Brisbane from Sweden. Her doggie was Mr Who. He was a distant relative of mine but he crossed the rainbow bridge some time ago.
It’s time for me to hide. The Mother has got the idea into her head that I need a bath and as she can use the hose for an hour this afternoon I think that it is time to vamoose.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Butt Butt…
Let me begin by saying a great big THANK YOU and sending lots of LICK LICKS to the kind people who gave me Christmas presents. Also I’d better apologize right now for wrecking most, actually all, of them within 5 minutes of opening them. Never think for even a nano-second that they weren’t greatly appreciated. So were the home made dog biscuits. Could I have some more next year? Also I’d like a new kong, some possum food, tennis balls and while I think of it, no more antlers. Give them to Choppa; he likes to play dress-ups.

The other big event (which I might add was not as widely celebrated this year as I would have expected, what with fireworks being cancelled on the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and at Ipswich) of course was my birthday on December 31st. Apparently I am now a veteran and therefore consider myself entitled to a little more respect than I have formerly enjoyed, more presents, extra hugs and yumptious things to eat which reminds me that the quality of the food has deteriorated since The Parents arrived home. The Mother thinks that I am too fat and even The Sister mentioned something about love-handles… whatever.

Butt the really big news is the great nieces! Aska, which is Swedish for ‘Ash’ flew to Sweden the day before yesterday. She is there now. She was a very sad and scared puppy when Grandma Jean took her to the airport. Butt she is OK now. Gidget is the only puplet left at home butt she doesn’t seem to mind.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas 2007
I was woken by the smell of freshly baked chocolate muffins so I knew straight away that it was going to be a good day. My hopes soared even further when I saw The Mother packing the ‘park bag’ with Schmackoes and so many tennis balls that I couldn’t count them all on my paws’ claws. She hadn’t finished saying “Bizz let’s g…” before I jumped into the little red car, singing to myself yummy, yummy, yummy, I want muffins in my tummy. We were off and away, scooting along the back streets to the park in the cool of the early morning; ready to party.
The Mother and I were the first to arrive at the park but in no time at all most of my best mates (except Mr. Chester who has a crook knee and Willie who use to have a crook knee but now has a baby sister) were there. I half expected to see Choppa arrive dressed in a tutu, but he wasn’t. He has a crook knee as well so he can’t wear any of the dresses that his Mother buys him (I’d pretend to have a crook knee too if The Mother bought dresses for me). All the girls looked very pretty especially Truffie and Daisy, who looks prettier every time I see her, as they wore party hats. I love Daisy even though she deserves her reputation as a tennis ball thief.
We played lots and lots of tennis and ate lots of good things. Mabel’s father made special biscuits for dogs. Yum! Choppa’s mother, Maree, brought fruit cake (that’s me and Georgie in the picture being goodie-four-paws waiting for Maree to give us fruit cake)
The Parents seemed happy. They had fruit salad and yoghurt, little quiches, blood orange juice, ham and cheese croissants, chocolates, the aforementioned chocolate muffins and fruit cake and no doubt a few other things that I didn’t get to see. They were full of oohs and aahs when Choppa’s Parents opened a bottle of Moet and Chandon.
In total I think that there were 15 doggie mates at the party, but I can't be sure as I am still trying to count tennis balls.
The Mother has put together a few photographs of the party which you access by clicking on this URL…

Friday, December 07, 2007

They're Back!

Did I tell you that The Parents have turned up? They came through the front gate just the other day full of hugs and smooches. “Oh Bizzie Boy we’ve missed you so much little dog,” says The Mother. Why does she call me ‘little dog’? I’m not a little dog. I’m not a puppy. She still thinks that I am a little puppy after all these years! Well I’m not. I am Otto Edvard Leopold v Bismarck aka The Big Biz. She thinks that a pat on the head and a bit of a hug is all that it takes to win back my heart. Forget it! This grey dog cannot be bought, or maybe comes at a much higher price: one or the other. She (and he for that matter, that is The Father) has some serious sucking up to do because this (very big) grey dog has learned a thing or two about the finer things in life, from The Sister, since they’ve been gone….like really nice tucker, and games and sillinesseseses, and visitors who appreciate me and hunting possums and walks to distant places with Ron and presents...

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Good Ol' Uncle Bizz
Do you think that she is cute? I think she is cute.
Needless to say she is not mine. She is my great niece, that is my sister Phoebe's grand-puplet. (In case you've forgotten Phoebe is the showgirl in the family). Anyway Phoebe now has 4 new grand-puplets. There were 5 but one of them crossed the Rainbow Bridge the day after she was born.
How come I’m just always good ol’ Uncle Bizzie? It seems like I am never going to be a Daddy Dog.
addit: Now I've never claimed to be a mathematician right. So OK it was 6 puplets that Buffy had and not 5. OK! OK! I made a mistake. OK? There are 5 puplets left. I'm sorry I was having a bad day. It was an innocent mistake. I get the message. It won't happen again.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Message from Max
Hi Bizz
I am Max, the Border Collie. You know what a Border Collie is don’t you? If you don’t, then where have you been? Stalking and herding small rocks and wading in crocodile infested waters, such as those shown here in the photograph taken by the one you know as The Mother, are my main skills. In fact you can consider me the ‘crocodile hunter’ of the canine world. None of those namby-pamby possums for Max! No sir-eee! Anyway pal, I thought that you should know that your Parents are on their way back home, sailing south at this very moment.

PS: I go sailing with my parents (ha! ha! I know that you’re scared of water)

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Grandma Jean's a Winner!
Go to the link below and look at the photographs. The competition was run to help unhappy and unloved grey dogs.
Photographs 7, 8, 9 and 10 on Page 1 are Grandma Jean's entries. No. 10, Batdog, came 2nd. The judge was William Wegman himself, a great admirer and photographer of grey dogs (I'm glad that he isn't my father as I'd hate to wear the silly clothes that his doggies wear...have a look at his website and see for yourself...hee! hee! hee! hee!). The overall winner is on Page 4 – Air Sophie. However, my personal favourite is the one shown above. It's Kirra. Pretty isn't she? She's a relative. What do you call it when your half sister (we have the same mother) is also your niece (she is my father's grandpuppy)? No, no, no, that's not right! Her father and my father are brothers so we are cousins! Is it right yet?

Thank you for asking, I am feeling much better. The flowers, presents and visits have been very much appreciated (sorry about the fluffy purple bone...I loved it so much, its stuffing has come out). This last week I've reclaimed the local parks, but I haven't seen any of my mates yet, although I did get a nice message from Daisy and Mabel. I'm eating normal food again instead of dog-hosptial food and I'm working again. So if you know any baddies, tell them to beware, the Big Bizz is back!

Friday, September 21, 2007

A message from the girls at the dog park ... Dear Bizzie
Me and Mabel miss you. Get well soon and don't look so sad. We also miss Choppa. He is recovering from ACL operation, probably from an old football injury, and isn't allowed out to play.

Love (hee! hee! hee! hee!) from Daisy and Mabel.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Message from Keepa
Hey Biz, This is Keepa here. We're related - your doggie grandma is also my doggie grandma. Her name is Flute. She's one of them Champions. You know where the humans make us beauty queens and kings to strut around some silly ring. They say I'm going to be one someday - that is if I can keep my head looking ahead instead of backwards cause my sister, Mieke, always seems to be behind me and we would rather be playing and having fun.Can you swim? I can! And I can swim with 2 tennis balls in my mouth. Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and to tell you I know all about That Place of Evil. Been there, done that. Grandma Jean was taking Takhi and Lancelot for walkies and I wanted to go with them so smashed through a closed glass sliding door. There was this red stuff everywhere and Grandma Jean was in a huge panic and Nicole (she's my big sister too) was trying to stop all the red stuff by wrapping my leg in some sort of material. Seems I did something stupid and then had to live in jail for over 2 months. Here's a photo of me in jail.
10 minutes later
Keepa here again. Seems I made a mistake - You're actually my UNCLE BIZ. I'm only a little kid and it takes me a while to learn everything about my relatives. My mum is Kirra and she's your half sister so that makes you my half Uncle but I don't want no half uncles. How can one have half an uncle?? Sounds silly to me.Lick, licks

This is me getting better.
The Family visited yesterday afternoon. I looooved it! Endless smooches, hugs and kisses. The purple fluffy bone was a get-well present from Grandma Jean and Ron. It has helped a lot except that I ripped it apart and Grandma Jean has to repair it. She can’t repair its squeaker because I killed it.
Tomorrow I am going back to the World of Evil to have my stitches removed and to find out if I am allowed to eat more food. I am sooooo hungry.

Did someone smell a rat? I ate a dead rat. It was late last Wednesday night. I can’t tell you very much about what happened next because I am not allowed to as I have been told to rest as much as possible because I've had a very big operation. (Lots of rest AND lots of hugs, lick licks and smooches are required)
It’s all a bit confusing but the trouble started, as I said, when I ate a dam pesky rat. It was dead. Did I mention that? I tried to throw it up but couldn’t. Then I blew up like a big balloon. I seem to remember Nicole and Hassan getting me into the little red car in the rain late at night, and then everything else is a blur until I woke up from a bad dream only to find that it wasn’t a bad dream. I was in World of Evil (U of Q Veterinary Hospital)! Sometimes, in the place where I had the operation it hurt, but mostly the medicine that the people gave me helped. I had lots of dreams about visits from Grandma Jean and Ron and Nicole. Then I had a dream that The Parents left their yacht in Mackay, only it wasn’t a dream either because they and Grandma Jean came to take me home (that’s a photograph of The Parents and me arriving home together) where I am now recovering on my beddy. See me recovering in my beddy?
PS. Did I tell that you that Nicole and Hassan saved my life?
PSS. Don't tell Choppa about the bucket on my head because he will laugh, especially after the things that I said about his mother buying him dresses!

Anonymous said...
Dearest Big Biz,Welcome home. You had Nicole, Hassan, Ron and I scared to death with your silly dead rat eating episode. You are one of THE GOOD GUYS and the thought of you not being with us was more than we could bear. The Place of Evil really was a good place for you this time and of course all the Vets and Nurses came under your spell. How could they not? The Parents had to sail to the nearest port so they could fly home to be with you and to give you all those lick licks you so love from them.Rest well beautiful boy. See you on Sunday.Much love and many hugsGrandma Jean
2:32 PM
The Big Biz said...
lots of lick licks to you Grandma Jean
2:39 PM

It has been a while since my last entry, and I blame my sister’s unpredictable hours. As you know my parents are away on their ‘floaty’ thing, and I have been left stranded to fend for myself… well not really; I’m in the care of my big sister but I thought I’d be melodramatic!

For the last few months I’ve definitely lived the life of a young and prosperous bachelor. I’ve been staying up late, sleeping in and meeting lots of ladies. I have my own personal chauffer whom takes me almost daily to the park. I’ve even been getting out to new and exciting places with exciting new smells and places to piddle. I miss my old friends of a morning, but you know what they say- a change is as good as a holiday. And my animal instinct tells me ‘true’ friends will welcome me back with open paws when mother returns and we return to normal.

My grandmother brought over a surprise a few weeks back! (see attached picture). Bedding for royalty! My grandmother’s ‘grey people’ are a little spoilt and they decided to pass it on to me. Brand new!! I’m also starting to wonder if the gift was some sort of bribery as not only did I get the gift, but I was held down against my will to have my nails cut and my ears cleaned.

Other than that things are fine. I’m doing much the same- keeping down the fort while the parents are away, making sure that things are kept the way they like it. I’ve taken on sucking a towel rather than my bed, which is an incredible step for me as I’m partial to taking my bed to gatherings around the house. Chester and I have grudgingly agreed to share the same stylist, and again the stylist comes to me. My main concern with this is that I come out styled like Chester…

I hope that all my friends are well and know that I will soon return. Only 90 sleeps till the parents return and I must go start getting my beauty sleep now. I want to look my very best for their arrival… I’m a little puffy under the eyes from the late nights.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Dear Bizzie
You don’t know me so I will begin by introducing myself. My name is Digby (Dog). My sort-of-sister, Gypsy, and I are both Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. We have a cockatiel-bird-brother, Ricky, who shares our bed at night. We lived in Manly until our parents moved to Mackay. Since arriving here I have taken up fishing. Your mother took this photograph of me while I was fishing at the Shoal Point Beach.
Many fond lick licks to you….Digby (Dog)
PS Congratulations! I hear that you have been hunting and caught a PP (pesky possum)

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Hi Bizzie... I was reading your visit to the "world of evil" - Doctor Evil and all that. All I can say is simply a"paw"ling. Hope that The Mother has given you lots of doggy treats to compensate. I can let you into a couple of secrets about those pesky possums (PPs)- I have a great technique that my Dad laughs at (with some screaming from my Mum) - I creep up and scare them PPs to death & I dig a hole in Dad's garden and bury PPs leaving the tail hanging out so I can find it later (Daniel Boon style). Score is about 5 me, PPs nil. This supplements my food when my Parents go sailing on their floaty thing, "Oasis" (well like you I am simply not allowed to go ya know...anyway I have my own floaties). Hey Bizzie - this is a photo of me waiting for them to get home from the floaty thing.

Hey I heard The Parents have gone north again in their floaty thing without you. I'm coming if I can get over this darn timber fence, cause I hear you might be in for some really good tucker (Domino's, KFC, Macca's...any M&Ms or PPs?) from Nic. I know this is no substitute for the really good stuff, and I bet The Mother sends you some care parcels with liver treats from up North - I hear they are pretty good - particularly around Mackay Boat Harbour, providing those other peskies - the gulls don't get um first. Anyway must go find some shelter from this blustery weather and have a nap now.

Signing off from ya buddy Rumbo (hey I reckon I got me name from that other sailin' place The Mother is gunna visit near Bundy).

Thursday, May 31, 2007


This is Choppa. He isn't polite. He isn't gentle. He usually doesn't do what his parents tell him to do. He doesn't 'sit' for liver treats (unlike those goodie-four-paw girls). He can run the length of the park just as fast as I can. He is full of energy and he is one of my best mates. I've heard that his mother dresses him in special doggy clothes....Hee! Hee! Hee! Hee!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Journey to the World of Evil
I was enjoying a snooze on the verandah in the late morning sun when The Mother said “Come on Bizz, let’s go”. In a flash I was on my paws and instantaneously overcome by a hot, searing pain. In the excitement of the moment I’d forgotten that I had a very sore paw, an unfortunate consequence of chasing pesky possums two nights ago and upending The Mother’s pot of wild violets. Still excited at the prospect of going somewhere with The Mother I gingerly made my way down the front stairs on three paws and just as carefully climbed into the little red car and we were away. Up the street and around the corner, but instead of turning the next corner into the road that leads to The Dog Park we went straight ahead. Oh no! We were going to The World of Evil.

The Mother saw how bravely I piddled on the entrance doors, but we hadn’t been there for long when the pitiful cries of all the sad and lonely dogs got to me and my show of bravado faded. My heart was racing and suddenly I could even walk on my sore paw. All I wanted to do was GET OUT OF THERE! It was then I saw The Doer of Evil walking towards me, all smiles and friendly greetings to The Mother.

With my claws gripping desperately at the vinyl floor in one last futile attempt to get away, The Mother dragged me after him. I tried hiding under the solitary chair but The Doer of Evil and The Mother climbed under as well. She held me (and put liver treats in my mouth…they were yummy) while he prodded and examined my paw.

I couldn’t get away from there quickly enough, but while The Mother was paying the account I had just enough time to complete a torrential piddle all over their brand new reception desk. Every dog has his day!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Easter '07

We had to get all of The Parents up early this morning so that they could prepare a slap up breakfast. Many of The Mothers were baking by 5:00am so that they could be ready to get us to the park on time for our regular 6:00am rendezvous. It was just on sunrise when The Mother and I clambered into the little red car and set off (I knew that it was going to be a special day as the car was filled with the glorious smell of freshly baked cheese and spinach spanakopita). Jezze and Belle arrived at the same time with their Father, Paul, and the feast began at once. The Mothers and Fathers brought lovely things to eat and drink: freshly baked date muffins, ham and cheese croissants, birthday cake (for Daisy and Truffles), Easter eggs, an enormous marshmallow Easter bunny, hot cross buns, cranberry juice, Veuve Clicquot champagne, which The Parents seemed very excited about. There were murmurings such as “it’s a bit too early in the day for me”, but they eagerly drank it anyway; maybe they were being polite. Parents have funny ways at times! There were any number of chocolates, liver treats and my personal favourite, Scmackos (Dogs go wacko, Dogs go wacko, Dogs go wacko for Schmackos…It’s true. I do.) Rules are made to be broken. The Parents forgot all the normal rules and gave us lovely things to eat and didn’t seem to really care if we sat politely or not, which some goody four paw girls did, but mostly the boys didn’t. Chopper certainly didn’t. I did, once, when The Mother insisted.

The humidity of summer has passed and it was a cool start to the day; perfect for lots of fun and wasn’t there a lot of fun! Chopper’s Mother brought an entire bag of tennis balls; 10 of them! As usual Daisy Dog tried to keep them to herself but there were too many even for her to sit on, so the rest of us got to play with them as well. Chester and Jezze preferred to chase each other around until it was time to go, stopping for a little something to munch on every so often. Daisy got quite cross with Chopper because he was being a pushy paws. He can be. All of the girls wore pink rabbit ears and looked quite pretty, especially Truffles. Chopper’s Mother brought them for us all. I wouldn’t wear mine. Chopper did; blue ones. I thought he looked like a dill but he didn’t care!

By 7:00am we had played and eaten just about enough and lazily we made our way home. I was even too tired to carry my ball and left it for The Mother to carry. Truffles refused to leave because she was having such a good time, and on this occasion didn’t mind if everyone else had fun as well, which makes quite a change I can tell you! Well I am off to bed as I am tuckered out. The Mother is going to the gym ‘to work off the calories’ (another one of the odd things that Parents do).

The Mother didn’t take any photographs because she sold her camera during the week and has yet to buy a new one so I have had to add a photographs from our last party which was held at Christmas.

Signing off for now…sweet dreams…Bizzie!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Always the uncle, never the daddy!
She is very cute isn't she? But she is my niece, not my puplet! What does a dog have to do to have some puppies? Should I try E-Bay?

Scoobi loves the smells of Christmas!
Here he is enjoying the odourous wonder of Mr Chester's antlers. The Parents organised a Christmas party last Wednesday morning at our Dog Park. Lots of old mates and quite a few new ones came along. All of us, including The Parents, seemed to eat and drink quite a lot (doggie treats, fruits salad, juice, muffins, croissants, limitless quantities of chocolates, champagne). Mr Chester was the best dressed Dog. Ms Truffie (Constable Truffie) was the oldest and Baby Beasley the youngest. You can see all of them if you follow the link to the photographs of the party on the right hand side of this page.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Meet the Missus!
Isn't she lovely? I thought that you should see how she really looks, not just the photograph of her as a baby, as shown in my previous post (just in case you thought me to be a puppy snatcher). So this is she, the mother to be of my puppies.
I am currently working on a puppy buy-back scheme (with me as the secret bidder) so that all of our lit'luns can come and live with me (and of course The Mother and The Father and the rest of The Family).
Who's going to be a daddy dog?

Sunday, July 16, 2006

This is Dede! Isn't she pretty? Everyone seems to be hoping that she and me are having puppies.
That's right! Yippee! Puppies! Lit'l'uns!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Can you pick which one is me? Let me know if you can because I am not really sure. I could be on the right or the left. The handsome lad in the middle is my Big Brother Bronson. We have the same mother, Flute, and father Monroe, but Bronson is a bout 2 years older than me. He loves to swim and to dive and is generally a very clever lad who enjoys showing off.