Thursday, September 02, 2010

Wagner the Weimaraner and
Marco the Marvellous

“He is impossibly cute” said The Mother to The Father when we arrived home from the Dog Park. It was not me, but Wagner, the Weimerarner, she was speaking about!

I am not sure where he came from but he looks a lot like me, except he is smaller lots smaller, and his tail is very long. Did I buy him on eBay? Am  I a Daddy Dog at long last? We play together. You can see that I let him play with my best pink ball (you have to start training them early).

Marco, another new mate, also plays with my pink ball. He is still a baby, but a litttle bit older than Wagner the Weimaraner. He is a Beagle and doesn't look anything like me but The Mother thinks that he is very cute as well. You can see Wagner the Weimaraner and Marco the Marvellous below.

I am definitely the old man of the park these days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Biz, Wagner here. Thanks for letting me appear on your Blog. Please say hi to The Mother for me. You sound like you want to be a Father yourself one day, lucky you. My Parents tell me I have a day coming soon that I won't remember much of, oh well, they say it is better to limit my gene pool! Lots of puppy licks from your little mate , Wagner.