Friday, April 06, 2007

Journey to the World of Evil
I was enjoying a snooze on the verandah in the late morning sun when The Mother said “Come on Bizz, let’s go”. In a flash I was on my paws and instantaneously overcome by a hot, searing pain. In the excitement of the moment I’d forgotten that I had a very sore paw, an unfortunate consequence of chasing pesky possums two nights ago and upending The Mother’s pot of wild violets. Still excited at the prospect of going somewhere with The Mother I gingerly made my way down the front stairs on three paws and just as carefully climbed into the little red car and we were away. Up the street and around the corner, but instead of turning the next corner into the road that leads to The Dog Park we went straight ahead. Oh no! We were going to The World of Evil.

The Mother saw how bravely I piddled on the entrance doors, but we hadn’t been there for long when the pitiful cries of all the sad and lonely dogs got to me and my show of bravado faded. My heart was racing and suddenly I could even walk on my sore paw. All I wanted to do was GET OUT OF THERE! It was then I saw The Doer of Evil walking towards me, all smiles and friendly greetings to The Mother.

With my claws gripping desperately at the vinyl floor in one last futile attempt to get away, The Mother dragged me after him. I tried hiding under the solitary chair but The Doer of Evil and The Mother climbed under as well. She held me (and put liver treats in my mouth…they were yummy) while he prodded and examined my paw.

I couldn’t get away from there quickly enough, but while The Mother was paying the account I had just enough time to complete a torrential piddle all over their brand new reception desk. Every dog has his day!

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