Saturday, March 01, 2008

The Drought has Broken
It’s been a while since I wrote anything, not because there hasn’t been lots happening, because there has. The truth is, and I know that you’ll be surprised to learn this, I need help to blog from The Mother and she has been away a lot, and when I say a lot, I mean a lot; most of the time in fact, in Melbourne. Lately it’s just been me and The Father. But back to what’s been happening. Belle and her sort-of sister Jezz, and of course their father Paul, all moved to Sydney. All the dogs and all the parents were and are very sad about this. Choppa is still having trouble with his dickie knee and his mother, Maree, has been sick as well. Mr Chester has had knee trouble too. We speak across the back fence so we still see each other. All in all there aren’t as many doggies at the park each day. Of course Truffie is still there; she is Queen of the Park. She is having a birthday soon; her 18th. Daisy visits on Wednesdays and Scoobie is usually there. So is Max. He is little but a bit scary. He tries to bite my ankles.
This photograph of me was taken in the park in the rain by Charito who was visiting Brisbane from Sweden. Her doggie was Mr Who. He was a distant relative of mine but he crossed the rainbow bridge some time ago.
It’s time for me to hide. The Mother has got the idea into her head that I need a bath and as she can use the hose for an hour this afternoon I think that it is time to vamoose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Big Biz,
I think we both need a lesson in hereditry :-) Mr Who is more than a distant relative. His daddy was Bronson whose father was Monroe and your father was Monroe so now what does that make you and Mr Who??? Also your doggie mum was Flute and Flute's mother was Morgan. Mr Who's doggie mummy is Wanda and Wanda is Lancelot's daughter and Lancelot and Morgan were/are sister brother. Goodness, when you work it out, let me know.
And in case you can read Swedish, here is Charito's blog site. Lots of wonderful photos of Brisbane, the Gold Coast etc and of your doggie relatives.
Many lick licks
Grandma Jean