Friday, December 07, 2007

They're Back!

Did I tell you that The Parents have turned up? They came through the front gate just the other day full of hugs and smooches. “Oh Bizzie Boy we’ve missed you so much little dog,” says The Mother. Why does she call me ‘little dog’? I’m not a little dog. I’m not a puppy. She still thinks that I am a little puppy after all these years! Well I’m not. I am Otto Edvard Leopold v Bismarck aka The Big Biz. She thinks that a pat on the head and a bit of a hug is all that it takes to win back my heart. Forget it! This grey dog cannot be bought, or maybe comes at a much higher price: one or the other. She (and he for that matter, that is The Father) has some serious sucking up to do because this (very big) grey dog has learned a thing or two about the finer things in life, from The Sister, since they’ve been gone….like really nice tucker, and games and sillinesseseses, and visitors who appreciate me and hunting possums and walks to distant places with Ron and presents...

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