Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas 2007
I was woken by the smell of freshly baked chocolate muffins so I knew straight away that it was going to be a good day. My hopes soared even further when I saw The Mother packing the ‘park bag’ with Schmackoes and so many tennis balls that I couldn’t count them all on my paws’ claws. She hadn’t finished saying “Bizz let’s g…” before I jumped into the little red car, singing to myself yummy, yummy, yummy, I want muffins in my tummy. We were off and away, scooting along the back streets to the park in the cool of the early morning; ready to party.
The Mother and I were the first to arrive at the park but in no time at all most of my best mates (except Mr. Chester who has a crook knee and Willie who use to have a crook knee but now has a baby sister) were there. I half expected to see Choppa arrive dressed in a tutu, but he wasn’t. He has a crook knee as well so he can’t wear any of the dresses that his Mother buys him (I’d pretend to have a crook knee too if The Mother bought dresses for me). All the girls looked very pretty especially Truffie and Daisy, who looks prettier every time I see her, as they wore party hats. I love Daisy even though she deserves her reputation as a tennis ball thief.
We played lots and lots of tennis and ate lots of good things. Mabel’s father made special biscuits for dogs. Yum! Choppa’s mother, Maree, brought fruit cake (that’s me and Georgie in the picture being goodie-four-paws waiting for Maree to give us fruit cake)
The Parents seemed happy. They had fruit salad and yoghurt, little quiches, blood orange juice, ham and cheese croissants, chocolates, the aforementioned chocolate muffins and fruit cake and no doubt a few other things that I didn’t get to see. They were full of oohs and aahs when Choppa’s Parents opened a bottle of Moet and Chandon.
In total I think that there were 15 doggie mates at the party, but I can't be sure as I am still trying to count tennis balls.
The Mother has put together a few photographs of the party which you access by clicking on this URL…

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