Sunday, September 16, 2007

This is me getting better.
The Family visited yesterday afternoon. I looooved it! Endless smooches, hugs and kisses. The purple fluffy bone was a get-well present from Grandma Jean and Ron. It has helped a lot except that I ripped it apart and Grandma Jean has to repair it. She can’t repair its squeaker because I killed it.
Tomorrow I am going back to the World of Evil to have my stitches removed and to find out if I am allowed to eat more food. I am sooooo hungry.


Anonymous said...

Hey Biz,
This is Keepa here. We're related - your doggie grandma is also my doggie grandma. Her name is Flute. She's one of them Champions. You know where the humans make us beauty queens and kings to strut around some silly ring. They say I'm going to be one someday - that is if I can keep my head looking ahead instead of backwards cause my sister, Mieke, always seems to be behind me and we would rather be playing and having fun.

Can you swim? I can! And I can swim with 2 tennis balls in my mouth.

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and to tell you I know all about That Place of Evil. Been there, done that. Grandma Jean was taking Takhi and Lancelot for walkies and I wanted to go with them so smashed through a closed glass sliding door. There was this red stuff everywhere and Grandma Jean was in a huge panic and Nicole (she's my big sister too)was trying to stop all the red stuff by wrapping my leg in some sort of material. Seems I did something stupid and then had to live in jail for over 2 months.

Here's a photo of me in jail.

Anonymous said...

Keepa here again. Seems I made a mistake - You're actually my UNCLE BIZ. I'm only a little kid and it takes me a while to learn everything about my relatives. My mum is Kirra and she's your half sister so that makes you my half Uncle but I don't want no half uncles. How can one have half an uncle?? Sounds silly to me.

Lick, licks